(5 Years Until) My Quarter-Life Crisis

The ruminations, ramblings and rants of a marketing intern trying to figure out what the fuck she's doing all summer... and in life. This intern was very upset when she found out that a "Quarter-Life Crisis" comes at age 25, not 20.

Monday, May 30, 2005

title upgrade

In my last post, I described my first assignment, and mentioned that I would be sending e-mails to a variety of people to try to get speaking and sponsor opportunities for my company. This immediately brought one concern: my e-mail signature (you know, the thing at the end of an e-mail, similar to the one below).

My e-mail signature has my name, my work title,, my work phone number, the fax number and a link to the company website. I pointed out to my boss that "marketing intern" might not look so impressive when trying to contact these people. (I was worried I wouldn't be taken seriously.) I asked if there was another title I could put instead and she answered simply, "just use Marketing Coordinator".

That's an easy enough solution, but as I wrote recently, there already is a Marketing Coordinator in our department. She's a college graduated (2003) who's been with the company for a year. I thought about it and, if I were in her position, I think I'd be pretty pissed off that some little intern was going to put the same title as mine in her e-mail.

My solution... and my new title: Assistant Marketing Coordinator.

I now realize that this will also be what I can put on my resume. A step up from Marketing Intern.


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